Earth Sciences Research Center



Raeisosadat, Seyed Naser, Professor

Dept. of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

Tel:   +985632202301

The Earth Sciences Research Center was established aiming at conducting research in various fields related to earth sciences. These studies include: conducting practical and basic research. The Earth Sciences Research Center express its readiness to undertake or collaborate in local, national and international research projects. The center is also set to give counseling services to other organizations.

The Earth Sciences Research Center is hopeful to have a positive role   in expansion and development of the Earth Sciences . Our colleagues in this center are experienced scholars and experts having learnt skills in various scopes and aspects. There are faculty members of the departments of Geology, Mining and Natural Geography of the University of Birjand who are collaborating with this center.

Academic staffs



Interested fields

Main subject

Academic position

Family, Name

Mining Engineering

Exploration, environmental hydrogeology, modeling, geochemistry

Mining, Exploration

Associated Prof.

Aryafar, Ahmad

Mining Engineering

Mineral Processing, Hydrometallurgy, Flotation, Physical separation, waste water treatment

Mineral Processing

Assistant Prof.

Behnamfard, Ali


Environmental hazards, Remote sensing and GIS, Geotourism

Natural Geography - Climate and Environmental Planning

Associated Prof.

Esmaelnejad, Morteza

Mining Engineering

Geotechnics, Hydrogeology, , modeling

Mining Exploration Engineering

Assistant Prof.

Farhadian, Hadi

Mining Engineering

Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Mining Exploration



Assistant Prof.

Fottoohi Rad, Gholamreza


Structural Geology, Seismo-tectonic, Geodynamic

Structural Geology

Associated Prof.

Ghoalmi Ebrahim


Microtectonic, Structural Geology,

Structural Geology

Assistant Prof.

Hayhat, Mahmoudreza


Mining Engineering

Coal mining, Underground mining, drilling

Mining, exploitation

Assistant Prof.

Javanshir, Mohammad

Mining Engineering

Hydrometallurgy, waste water treatment

Mineral Processing

Assistant Prof.

Javanshir, Sepideh



Paleosiemology, Structural control of mineralization

Active Tectonic, Structural Geology


Khatib, Mohammad Mehdi



Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Paleontology of Rudists, Corals

Stratigraphy and Paleontology

Assistant Prof.

Khazaei, Ahmadreza



Porphyry scarn deposits, Sedimentary hosted copper deposits, Remote sensing

Economic Geology

Assistant Prof.

Mahdavi, Amir


Mining Engineering

Modeling and simulation, machine vision, flotation

Mineral Processing

Assistant Prof.

Massinaei, Mohammad


Diagenesis of carbonate rocks, diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs

Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks

Assistant Prof.

Mirab Shabestari, Gholamreza


Mineralogy, igneous petrology, Cenozoic magmatism of east of Iran




Mohammadi, Seyed Saeid



Sedimentology and petrography of clastic deposits, geochemistry, Sequence stratigraphy

Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks

Assistant Prof.

Mortazavi, Mehrizi, Maryam



Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology (preferably Cretaceous)

Stratigraphy and Paleontology

Assistant Prof.

Motamedalshariati, Maryam



Inversion tectonic, Active tectonic

Structural Geology

Assistance Prof.

Moussavi, Seyed Morteza

Mining Engineering

Slope stability, numerical modeling

Mining, Rock mechanic

Assistant Prof.

Nofersti, Hossain

Mining Engineering

Exploration Geophysics, Engineering Geology, Mineral Exploration Projects Management



Assistant Prof.

Nowrouzi, Ghlamreza

Mining Engineering

Mining Machinery, Maintenance, Industrial safety

Mining Engineering, exploitation

Assistant Prof.

Rahimdel, Mohammad Javad



Practical stratigraphy, Cretaceous Stratigraphy and paleontology, Microfacis

Stratigraphy and Paleontology


Raisossadat, Seyed Naser

Mining Engineering

GIS and Remote sensing, Exploration Geochemistry, Environmental Geochemistry

Mining engineering, Exploration

Assistant Prof.

Yousefi, Saeed



Mineralogy, Volcanology, Listwaenite, Geochemistry



Assistant Prof.

Yousefzadeh, Mohammad Hossein


Magmatism, Ohiolites, Listwaenite, Geochemistry




Zarrinkoub, Mohammad Hossein

Mining Engineering

Hydrogeology, Karst hydrogeology, GIS



Zia, Hasan

Research Projects

1- Scientific collaboration with National Taiwan University on geological study in Iran especially focused on subjects in east of Iran since 2007 until 2017.The members of our team were:

 Professor Sun-Lin Chung, Dr. Kwan-Nang Pang, Dr. Yi Chiu Han-, Dr. Lee Hao-Yang, Dr. R. Melkonyan, Dr. K-L. Wang, , Dr. X-H. Li, Professor H.Y. Lee, Dr. F. Wang, Dr. V.S. Kamenetsky, Dr. L.Chen, Dr. B-X. Su, from National Taiwan University and Professor Mohammad Mahdi Khatib, Professor Mohammad Hossein Zarrinkoub, Professor  Seyyed Saeid Mohammadi from University of Birjand.

The papers have published until now:


-Chiu, H-Y., Chung, S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Melkonyan, R., Kwan-Nang Pang, K-N., Lee, H-Y., Wang, K-L., Mohammadi, S.S., Khatib, M.M. 2017, Zircon Hf isotopic constraints on magmatic and tectonic evolution in Iran:Implications for crustal growth in the Tethyan orogenic belt, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 652–669.

- Pang, K-N., Chung,S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H.,  Li, X-H., Lee, H.Y., Lin, T-H., Chiu, H-Y., 2016,  New age and geochemical constraints on the origin of Quaternary adakite-like lavas in the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone, Lithos 264, 348–359.

-Pang, K-N., Chung,S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Wang, F., Kamenetsky, V.S., Lee, H.Y.,2015,Quaternary high-Mg ultrapotasic rock form the Qal,eh Hasan Ali maars ,southeastern Iran: petrogenesis and geodynamic implication, Contrib Mineral Petrol.

- Su, B-X., Chung, S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Pang, K-N., Chen, L., Ji, W-Q., Brewer, A., Ying, J-F., Khatib, M.M.,2014, Composition and structure of the lithospheric mantle beneath NE Iran:Constraints from mantle xenoliths, Lithos 202–203, 267–282.

- Pang, K-N., Chung,S-L.,  Zarrinkoub, M.H., Chiu, H-Y and Li, X-H., 2014, On the magmatic record of the Makran arc, southeastern Iran:Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology and bulk-rock geochemistry, American Geophysical Union(AGU), Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, V. 15,  Issue 6.

- Pang, K-N., Chung, S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Khatib, M. M., Mohammadi, S.S., Chiu , H-Y., Chu, C-H., Lee, H-Y., Ching-Hua Lo, 2013, Eocene–Oligocene post-collisional magmatism in the Lut–Sistan region, eastern Iran: Magma genesis and tectonic implications, Lithos 180–181, 234–251.

- Pang, K-N., ., Chung, S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Lin, Y-C., Lee, H-Y., Lo, C-H., and Khatib, M.M.,2013, Iranian ultrapotassic volcanism at ~11 Ma signifies the initiation of post-collisional magmatism in the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone, Terra Nova, 25, 405–413.

- Chiu, H-Y., Chung, S.L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Mohammadi, S.S.,  Khatib, M.M.,  and Iizuka, Y., 2013,  Zircon U–Pb age constraints from Iran on the magmatic evolution related to Neotethyan subduction and Zagros orogeny, Lithos 162-163 , 70–87.

- Zarrinkoub, M.H., Pang, K-N., Chung,  S-L., Khatib, M.M., Mohammadi, S.S. Chiu, H-Y., Lee, H-Y., 2012, Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Birjand ophiolite, Sistan suture zone, eastern Iran, Lithos 154 , 392–405.

- Pang, K-N., Chung, S-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Mohammadi, S.S.,  Yang, H-M.,  Chiu, H- C.,  Lee, H-Y., Lo, C-H.,  2012, Age, geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Late Cenozoic intraplate alkali basalts in the Lut–Sistan region, eastern Iran. Chemical Geology, 306-307, 40-53.


- Scientific collaboration with  University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris(UPMC), University of Strasbourg(UDS) in France and University of Birjand in Iran since 2001 until 2018,   on geological study in Iran especially focused on subjects in east of Iran .

The members of our team were:

Dr. T. François , Professor P. Agard, Dr.  M. Bernet, Dr. B. Meyer, Dr. E.Burov, Dr. P. Monié, Dr.  L. Miguet, Professor  H. Whitechurch, Dr. M. Jentzer, Professor M.Fournier  from France side and Professor Mohammad Mahdi Khatib, Professor  Mohammad Hossein Zarrinkoub, from University of Birjand.

The papers have published until now:


- Jentzer Michael ., Agard Philippe., Whitechurch Hubert., Fournier Marc., Omrani Jafar., Bonnet Guillaume ., Zarrinkoub Mohammad Hossein., and Khatib Mohammad Mahdi., 2019, Towards a comprehensive geodynamic evolution of Northern Sistan (E.Iran), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-9067-1, 2019, EGU General Assembly .

-  Hubert Whitechurch ., Michael Jentzer., Philippe Agard ., Mohammad Hossein Zarrinkoub ., Benoit Caron., Reza Kohansal., Lucie Miguet ., Jafar Omrani., and Marc Fournier., 2019,Calc-alkaline and adakitic magmatism in the Sistan Suture Zone (Eastern Iran): evidence for eastward dipping subduction during the Late Cretaceous, ), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-9067-1, 2019, EGU General Assembly .

- François , T., Agard, P., Bernet, M., Meyer, B., Chung, S.-L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Burov, E., and  Monié, P., 2014, Cenozoic exhumation of the internal Zagros: first constraints from low-temperature thermochronology and implications for the build-up of the Iranian plateau, Lithos,  206–207, 100–112.


3- Nov. 2014- Seyed Naser Raisossadat, Maryam Motamedalshariati, Assdollah Mahboubi, Ahmad Reza Khazee, Palaeontology and paleogeography of Aptian-Cenomanian deposits (Sanganeh-Aitamir formations) in the Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran. A Research project granted by Research Affairs of Birjand University, Birjand, Iran.

4- June 2008- Raisossadat, S.N., Mutterlose J., Shokri, M.H., Study of Lower Cretaceous (Barremian- Aptian) calcareous nannofossils in Takal Kuh section at the Kopet Dagh Basin, north east Iran. A Research project granted by Research Affairs of University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.

- Raisossadat, S.N. and Mahboubi, A. 2011. Carbon and Oxygen stable isotopes in Sarcheshmeh and Sanganeh Formations at the west Kopet Dagh basin. Sedimentary Facies, 3 (2), 88-98, [English Abst.].

- Shokri, M.H., Raisossadat, S.N. and Mutterlose J., 2006. Calcareous nannofossils of the Sarcheshmeh and Sanganeh formations in Takal Kuh section at the north west of Kopet Dagh Basin, 10th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.


5- May 1997- Seyed Naser Raisossadat, Mohammad Hossein Zarrinkoub, Genesis and economic geology potential of Sahlabad Salt Plain. A Research project granted by Research Affairs of Birjand University, Birjand, Iran.

- Raisossadat, S.N., Zarrin Koub M. H. and Khatib, M. M. 2012 Geomorphology and genesis of Sahl Abad Playa – East of Iran. Geography and Development, 28, 115-132, [English Abst.].

Last Update At : 08 July 2019